*JOSEPH T. DICK* EGRET*. He is a most magnificent project, testing your creative imagination.
My advanced students and I would like to invite you to join us on the internet for another *AROUND THE WORLD* project.
As you may remember from the past, you may download the original photo from photographer “Joseph T. Dick”., and my pattern found on the first page of my website www.karensistekstudio.com under the heading. *AROUND the WORLD PROJECT* to a memory stick or card and take it to a printer to enlarge to any size that you choose..
The size of the pattern that we are creating in my studio is 32 inches X 32 inches.
This will not be a lesson project, but an opportunity to paint along with me and my students. We will post our progression photos, and encourage you to do the same.
We encourage you to create *JOSEPH T. DICK* with your own art technique. It does not have to look just like ours. You do not have to use my Sizing Technique. You may paint your project whenever it is convenient. You do not have to paint at the same time as we do.
I will be focusing on my students in my studio, so I will not be available to answer questions.
JOSEPH T. DICK is a 87 year old photographer living in Ohio. His photographs are his legacy. He would love for you to also post your progression photos directly to him on his face book page Joseph T. Dick as well as the SPIN face book page and my page. He is so excited to be a part of our *Around the World Project”.
You have our permission to: Print the photo and pattern for your own use. You may sell your art, or reprint your art created from my pattern and Joe’s photo. You are restricted from selling my pattern or Joe’s photo for profit.
We surely hope that you can join us in this wonderful project.
Karen and Joseph.
To download the photo and pattern: right click on image, select “save image as”, browse to find the location you would like to save the image, click on “save”.