A sneak peek to the unveiling for the *AROUND THE WORLD PROJECT *. Anyone and everyone can join in. There is no cost. You can use my pattern or not. You can paint in your own style.
THANK YOU ALL! all for your beautiful photos and ideas for consideration. This photo was one of the top three “ likes”. I think it will be perfect.
The pattern I am drawing is 34×26 ( correction)inches, but you can make yours any size you like in the same ratio.
This is not a contest…YOU are ALL WINNERS!
This will be an opportunity for us all to paint together…while we are apart..and staying healthy.
You can paint this any time you want…take as long as you want.
Start stretching your silk!..clean your brushes…choose your colors!

How to print my pattern from your own computer.
There are nine photos (at the bottom of this page) configured to make a pattern designed for 36 wide x 24 tall silk.
* Print each one separately from your home printer at the original size (Or reconfigure to your desired size).
* Cut off the white edges of each page.
* Arrange each page in numerical order (number in upper left corner).
* Match up the design lines.
* Tape each piece together.
* Turn over pattern and tape edges again on the back for stability.
* The last photo shows the pattern pieces in the correct order.
Note: you can also use a poster program like Poster Printer . They have a free trial you can download.
*Trace pattern to silk in your normal fashion.
*Join in the fun! Create at your own pace, in your own style.
This project was designed so that our threads of silk will connect us all over the world! While we are confined to our own home and studio to stay healthy!
*Please post your progression! we would love to see what you are creating! Everyone is a winner.